We Are Glad You’re Here

Hello There!

2020 what a year it has been, huh?
To say we have all experienced some challenges this year would be an understatement. We have all had to adjust to some pretty major events. We as a family like you have spent a lot of time at home in introspection. We wanted to use this time as an opportunity to share our story.
This Social Distancing thing has caused us to learn so much about ourselves. Some good, some bad, all authentically human. Authenticity it’s a favorite word and I use it often. In this internet age, we all can be more connected than ever, yet behind each tweet and each photo I believe that we learn less and less about ourselves and each other. We live in a meme culture where truths seem to be funneled down to a four word phrase and a snazzy image. Don’t get me wrong a picture is worth a thousand words but there is still so much value in reading.

We hope that in sharing our story we will get to know your story.

We hope that in providing a window into our lives we can hopefully help you to understand yourself. As individuals and as a family we share so much in common with others. We as a family are also unique, there will never be another family like us or like your family.
So as we journey together we will read about sadness, sorrow, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love. It’s our constant companion. Love for ourselves, love for each other, and most importantly love for our Heavenly Father, who without His grace, we believe, none of us would be here. Really our story is His story. We hope that you enjoy your journey with us. Till the next time.

Bodies at Home.